Release. Rehabilitate. Reconnect.
For decades killer whales have been the stars of marine theme park shows nationwide, showcasing their physical, social, and mental skills.
For decades scientific research has proven that captivity is physically, socially, and mentally detrimental to killer whales.
Capturing and breeding programs may have come to a halt, but many orcas have been left to complete their lifetime in tanks.
By addressing this long term captivity suffrage, we hope to shift tourism, traveling, and whale viewership needs to natural opportunities supporting ecotourism endeavors. Through the means of education on this complex and controversial issue, the goal is to stop ticket sales to marine parks and boost sales to whale watching or seaside sanctuary viewing centers.
The fact of the matter is that whales are not meant to be at our disposal at an artificial rate.
To see the difference, you have to experience it yourself.

Imagine being stuck in a single room for the rest of your life - this is the reality for captive cetaceans. Orcas have human type lifespans, up to 80 years in the wild; captive orcas have an average lifespan of only 25 years. If we cannot aid in their removal from marine parks, the animals in captivity will not only be deprived of quality of life, but also lose years of life itself. By refusing to support marine theme parks which offer trick performances, captive viewing centers, and "educational shows" you can advocate for the species in and outside of tanks.
Orcas travel in pods, meaning they are highly social beings in their biology. Due to their captive isolation or captive birth, many of these affected animals either lack a "home pod" to return to or the traits necessary to survive in the wild. Spread across the globe are a couple of credited oceanside sanctuaries dedicated to rehabilitating, releasing, or retiring animals that have become dependent on human care. These locations allow for the animals to gain their strength and hunting skills to rejoin a new pod or retire in a dynamic, oceanic environment.

By far the most breathtaking way to reconnect with orcas is in their own environment. Shifting viewership to whale watching not only provides a significantly more authentic showcasing of their athleticism, but also an opportunity to reconnect to the local communities monitoring, researching, and protecting their closest pods. Animals are not meant to be artificially dominated, but rather appreciated in our moments of crossing paths.