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Filming Locations 2023

  Santa Barbara, CA                         San Diego, CA                            Monterey, CA                             Seward, AK                      San Juan Islands, WA

Year-round                                                                              February                                                                              April                                                                                     June/July                                                        July

Santa Barbara is our "home base"and where we are available most frequently.  With our alumni status at University of Santa Barbara, California and connection to the SB channel, much of our team is located here. 

We will be in San Diego early February and May 13th/14th for the #emptythetanks event at the marine park in San Diego. We invite you to check out the Empty the Tanks website for more information on this event.

The Monterey Bay is a prime location for spotting transient, or Bigg's, killer whales. We will be in Monterey late April on whale watching and interviewing endeavors. 

Seward is a central, coastal location in the nutrient rich waters of Alaska. We will be in Seward late June into the start of July for prime feeding season for all of the local marine species. 

The Superpod 8, whale education and conservation conference, will be held on San Juan Island July 18th-21st. We will be exploring the ecotourism based location that relies on the species heavily. More information on the informational twitter.

Monterey Bay, California

Andrew Boushka


After switching career choices, Andrew Boushka searched for the most vivacious whale watching opportunities along the Western Seaboard. He instantly fell in love with the deep and species rich Monterey Bay. Being a naturalist, deckhand, and licensed captain allows him to interact with the 25 mile long deep sea trench every day with Discovery Whale Watch. With three vessels they are able to take out hundreds of visitors a day, allowing Andrew to interact with excited visitors from all over the world.

Check out this clip from our interview with Andrew Boushka! 

Santa Barbara, California

Dave Beezer


Dave Beezer has been working in marine mammal research, rescue, consulting, and viewing for over 20 years. Captaining the Condor Express has given him the opportunity to work with the diverse Santa Barbara Channel and for that he is very grateful. Dave is also the main contact for entangled whales in the area, having the certification and authority to safely assess the situation for a proper response from himself and his colleagues. Individuals like Dave offer a consistent and reputable method of ensuring the whales in the area have the best chances at remaining happy and healthy. Check out this clip from our interview with Captain Dave Beezer!

Edward Edgerton


Being raised on and around boats fishing with his grandfather, Eddie Edgerton now spends his days captaining or deck handing around the Santa Barbara Channel. Experience working with, for, an on the ocean daily  gives one an understanding of the fluctuating conditions of the ecosystem as well as consistent encounters with the same animals year after year. Local knowledge is key when hoping to view whales at optimal times in accordance to their seasonal behaviors. Eddie has grown as a deckhand and as a person while spending most of his days out on the water, sharing his experiences with the other species around. Check out this clip from our interview with Eddie Edgerton!

San Diego, California

Vanessa James


Vanessa James works diligently for San Diego Whale Watch as a naturalist and deckhand. Her and the rest of the organization remain consistent in taking passengers out to San Diego's Mission Bay, spotting a variety of charismatic species year round. Vanessa's  educational work with local classrooms, organization of both vessels that go out, and connection to the rest of the harbor community are all crucial components in inspiring the locals, travelers, and children to reach for natural alternatives for sightseeing. Check out this clip from our interview with Vanessa James! 

Brooke Bembenek


As one of the naturalists at San Diego Whale Watch, Brooke Bembenek takes pride in her role in educating guests on the wildlife of the Southern California coastal ecosystem. For her, working as a naturalist is more than a way to continue to research the ecodiversity, but also a way to provide others with knowledge and experiences that can't be found anywhere else. After earning her Marine Science degree in Hawaii, Brooke decided to bring her love for the ocean and now deeper connection to the water back to San Diego. Check out this clip from our interview with Brooke Bembenek!


Seward, Alaska

Kyle Bowman


Northern Latitude Adventures offers ecotours in the small fishing town of Seward, AK. With smaller, more intimate boat sizes Captain Kyle is able to connect with each passenger and create a personalized whale watching experience that exceeds expectation. After spending years on the water, Kyle tells us mire about how he has changed as a person, environmentalist, and as a mariner. Between catching glimpses of feeding whales, cascading glaciers, and lounging Steller sea lions, we learned so much about the diverse ecosystem. Check out this clip from our interview with Kyle Bowman! 

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Wildlife photos courtesy of Adam Ernster

Breaching 2024

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